MedLawLit 10: Illusory Truth EOTO: Can i get a connection?


The illusory truth effect is where the human brain believes something to be true if it hears it repeated over and over again. this is commonly believed to be the reason that fake news is so widespread and effective. It runs on the same principle that propaganda does. Usually, fake news is often so outrageous to one group or another that it sparks them to spread it around. The more people see the headlines in their feeds and on TV the more they actually start to believe it. this usually does not work as well with real news. Fake news is sensationalized in such a way that it gets more shares and coverage.

There is some actual neurological reasoning behind this theory. It has to do with Heuristics. Heuristics is the thought that human brains have two systems, cleverly titled System 1 and system 2. Behavioral scientist Daniel Kahneman says that system 1 is quick and efficient but is prone to making mistakes. This is how we call upon information in an instant without having to think too hard about it. System 2 is slower and more power-intensive but is less prone to making mistakes. This is where we can recall detailed information after stopping and thinking for a few seconds. Our brains are cognitively lazy. They will take shortcuts and make connections in the most efficient way possible. This is how fake news works its way into our brains and stays long enough to become truth. It's also how our brain trips up with spelling and math pranks. Such as “What does Y-E-S spell, now What does E-Y-E-S spell?” our brain makes shortcuts and trips us up.

Other than fake news, there is a far more dangerous result of the Illusory truth effect. Conspiracy theories. In the age of the internet, conspiracy theories have gotten huge. Thanks to message boards, people are able to spread misinformation that preys on the emotionally vulnerable or gullible. This is how ideas like “flat Earth” and the dreaded “Qanon” got spread and popularized. Youtubers HBomberguy and Folding ideas did two well-made video essays on the topic.


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