I will be the first person to admit that I am way behind on this project. I make no excuses, this is my own darn fault. however, I have done my best to catch up with a couple interesting door designs that I would like to share.
here is the level I have made for my doors. so far. the walls are not properly sized and angled at this point, and the textures are too large, but an attempt was made. the two doors I have planed both involve the gun that comes with the FPS template. one opens a little more as you hit it, the other falls away when you hit the three cones.
here is the "hit door" in action. when I was looking over the "location" blocks in the blueprint editor, I noticed one called "AddLocation" I thought this would be perfect for this kind of door. I have it set up so that whenever it collides with another object, it moves back 15 or so CM. challenges that I need to address: make the door only move when the "bullets" hit it. maybe find a way for the door to slide back into place after a while? the timeline and lerp would be great for that.

lastly, there is the "target door" not much to this one, shoot three cones and the door opens. it will simply fall down and let the player charge on to the next platform. the hard part for this door will be figuring out how to hook everything up so that it knows when all three cones have been shot, and when to open up. the door animation will probably be the easiest to pull off with timelines and lerps. 

if any of you know how to pull any of this off, feel free to reply and give me some advice. 


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