MedLawLit Blog 1

 I will be honest here, I do not follow the news. Mostly I let the news come to me. especially this year there is not much to look for in the news. it's mostly just doom and gloom these days. all that being said, the news still comes to me in one way or another. so here are the 5 sources that the News comes to me from

Reddit is a large platform with a lot of different communities and subgroups. all of the activities from these different groups are aggregated onto the front page. this includes posts on r/Worldnews. the subreddit provides good information through the headlines that whiz past my home page. it's a good way to get caught up on the goings-on around the world in just a few quick seconds.

youtube, specifically the home page, provides links to news videos from TV news networks. from this source, I can get somewhat accurate, and sometimes conflicting information about the coronavirus, the presidential elections, and whatever catastrophe hit the news circuit this week. and if I dig deep enough, I can find videos from independent creators to tell me what the heck is going on. 

now this one is a bit more niche. discord is an online platform much like the old AOL messaging boards of yore. the catch is that you have to be in a community that is willing to post current events. and the best part is that you have people there to discuss the news with as soon as you all collectively see it.

As a Zoomer, I do not read the newspaper. however, whenever I'm home for the weekend, I catch a glimpse of the Winston Salem Journal which is the local newspaper for my home city. its mostly just your standard newspaper affair. not much more to say than that.

finally, a reliable news source that one can always rely on to give you the facts. while I do not often frequent the Washington post, I find that a lot of the links given by the first three lead to the post. so I trust it. 


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